Friday, February 5, 2010

At home french manicure?

I want to do a french manicure at home, but Im going to use some bright summer colors instead of the traditional manicure colors. Im going to do my nail beds pink with the tips black. Are there any tips for how to do this in a neat way? Also, Im not going to be using artificial nails, I'll be using my own real nails! Thanks!At home french manicure?
i do french manicure on my toes all the time ! =)

at Savons or Vons, they sell cheap self manicure kits.

If you don't want to spend money on that, use tape.

Just put a piece of tape under the tip and just paint right over =)

It's so easy and great!At home french manicure?
try some tape at the tip
They have the kits, buy them use the little paper thing like they say but change the colors! i did that once
I use the french manicure nail kit from Walmart. It has sticky things to put on your nail down below you nail tip. If you can get some of those at a salon or somewhere, they would work perfect.
have someone help u when your using your not so dominant hand to do the other and lay a towel under u alway have nail polish remover and q tips near u in case u mess up u can use the q tips on the parts that need to be fixed good luck
there are these little white stickers you can buy and you just put them on your nail and paint n front of the sticker, then peel the sticker off and you have a perfect tip!
I did it once!Just white!Theres a kit at some stores.They sell it cheap.
i have done this many times. u can get nail corrector at sally's. it is a small little pen. do the tip in you color in what ever design let it dry, then correct it with the pen. the most of pink is made to go the tip so you can see the color under. very simple!

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